Introduction to Valgrind
What is Valgrind
It is a robust tool to check C/C++ programs dynamically for various bugs and errors.
Installation and Usage on Ubuntu
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install valgrind
As it is stated in its website, if a program runs like this:
program arg1 arg2
It can be checked like this:
valgrind --leak-check=yes program arg1 arg2
A more complete way to use valgrind is:
export G_SLICE=always-malloc
export G_DEBUG=gc-friendly
valgrind --leak-check=full --tool=memcheck --show-leak-kinds=all --track-origins=yes \
--num-callers=40 --log-file=valgrind.log $(which <program>) <arguments>
The valgrind website: here A complete manual can be found here
Visualize the call graph with kcachegrind
Install kcachegrind on Ubuntu or Windows WSL:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install kcachegrind
First, collect data with valgrind; then kacachegrind can open the output profile results:
$ valgrind --tool=callgrind --trace-children=yes -v ./application
$ kcachegrind &
# Open <> from the GUI
# To open graphical apps with GUI on WSL you need a running X server.
Kcachegrind can be used in other ways as well. Check here.
Build and installation on Windows
Remember that Valgrind is OS-specific and cannot be installed and run on Windows. However, with Linux subsystem there can be something done.
First you need to install
Windows Subsystem for Linux
After completing the previous installation and configuration, follow these steps:
- Download Valgrind source from here
- Install building tools and requirements by:
sudo apt-get install automake
sudo apt-get install build-essential
- Go to Valgrind directory and run these commands (if make fails, run it with sudo):
- Be patient! They will take a while.
make install
- (Optional) To clean temporary files:
make clean
make distclean
Valgrind should be ready to use!